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Google offers many cloud services and one of their best is App Engine. App Engine compliments Next.js and makes building out your application much easier.

Getting started

Create a starter Next.js app:

$ npx create-next-app app-engine-sample --use-npm
$ cd app-engine-sample

Install the Google Cloud SDK

You can follow the official guide.

Run the init command to login and set up, more information here.

$ gcloud init

Pre-deploy set up

Open package.json and update your scripts key:

"scripts": {
  "dev": "next dev",
  "build": "NODE_ENV=production next build",
  "predeploy": "npm run build",
  "deploy": "gcloud app deploy --quiet",
  "start": "PORT=${PORT:-3000}; next start -p $PORT"

In your project root directory create a file named app.yaml with the following contents:

# Choose the Node.js version you require
runtime: nodejs14

# Server instance type `F1` is the smallest
instance_class: F1

# Set environment variables
  NODE_ENV: production

# Handlers are like routes for the Load Balancer
# Redirect to https always
- url: /.*
  secure: always
  redirect_http_response_code: 301
  script: auto

# Serve the public directory as static files
- url: /.*
  static_dir: public

# Upload and serve Next.js compiled static resources
- url: /_next/static/(.*)$
  static_files: .next/static/\1
  upload: .next/static/.*$

The app.yaml file configures the type of server your app will need and various other settings

Create another file named .gcloudignore with the following contents:


This file tells the gcloud app deploy command which files it should ignore and not upload.

Create the App Engine Instance

To create our app instance, run this command from your terminal:

$ gcloud app create --region=us-central


Run npm run deploy command from your terminal, you should see the app running a build and then deploying.

Wrapping up

To view your app you can run:

$ gcloud app browse